Limited company information surrounded by multiple competitor ads.
Dedicated page to your company with no competitor advertising.
Monitor RFQ's, website visits, total exposure, and activity on your own website, all in your own real-time activity reporting center.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Custom Product Listings | 65 | 150 | 250 |
Custom Written Content For Each Product | |||
Preferred Placement Ranking | Good | Better | Best |
RFQ's From Targeted Buyers | |||
Traffic to Your Website | |||
Back Links from Product Pages | |||
Access to Activity Report to View Incoming Leads | |||
Social Media Links | |||
Downloadable Sales Leads | |||
Video Posted on Custom Company Profile Page | |||
Standard Monthly Pricing |
CTI or MacRAE's | $99 | $199 | $299 |
Both | $139 | $279 | $419 |
Buyers come to our site searching for products and services from suppliers across industries like yours. Your company benefits from our online expertise in delivering high visibility to industrial companies, products and services to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others.
Buyers can link to your website directly or call you. Buyers also submit request to MacRAE'S Free Quotation Service, where our researchers will verify which requests that are the best fit for you, then supply you with that lead. We deliver leads and new customers; you focus on growing your business.
Online marketing can be like rocket science. We make it simple. It is easy and fast to get started through our quick launch solutions; you are on your way to improved online visibility for your company products and services through a cost-effective lead generation strategy. MacRAE'S is a simple and efficient way to stand out and be found in the marketplace, get leads and make sales.
Our Activity Center is a simple and easy to use reporting dashboard. You can access and see up-to-date information in real-time about your leads and traffic data specific to your website. You can also download and distribute marketing, lead and visitor information to your team at your convenience. Our Traffic Tracker tool tells you who is visiting your website, and what pages are of interest to them. We deliver real-time information through intuitive tools and convenient features so that you can focus your time on growing your business.
Our customer care team will help you get started in increasing your online marketing reach and performance in a fast and easy way. We keep it simple so that you can get going quickly and benefit from increased visibility and reach, so that you can be found, get leads and make sales!